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Praktisk information

During the course, you will be divided into smaller groups. If you are attending with others, we will do our best to place you on the same team.

The course is taught in English.


Meyers Madhus findes i baggårdene bag gitterporten på Nørrebrogade 52, 2200 København N.

Parkering her på Nørrebro kan være en udfordring. Hvis du kommer i egen bil, er her nogle bud på parkeringsområder, hvor andre har haft held med det:

Underjordisk p-hus ved Sankt Hans Torv samt på sidegaderne Elmegade, Stengade, Birkegade og Møllegade.

Alternativt går bus 5C fra Nørreport station, og stoppestedet Elmegade er tæt ved Nørrebrogade 52C, hvor vi holder til.

Du kan også tage metroen til "Nørrebros Runddel", som er ca. 10 min på gåben fra Madhuset. 

Af hensyn til både råvareindkøb og forberedelse til vores kurser, er det ikke muligt at ombooke kursuspladser senere end 30 dage før kurset. Derudover er det ikke muligt at få refunderet købte kursuspladser. 

Du må gerne overgive din kursusplads til en heldig bekendt, hvis du selv bliver forhindret. Deltageren skal blot medbringe ordrebekræftelsen på kursusdagen.

Du skal ikke medbringe andet end godt humør og nysgerrighed, samt den billet/ordrebekræftelse du modtog i forbindelse med booking af kurset - denne skal nemlig fremvises ved ankomst.

Nogle gange har vi en del mad tilovers efter kurserne, derfor kan I med fordel medbringe en beholder og et net/en pose til kurset i tilfældet af at der kan tages rester med hjem. 

Et elektronisk gavekort har en varighed på 3 år. Du skal blot have indløst dit gavekort til en hvilken som helst dato inden gavekortets udløbsdato. Du kan således godt booke et kursus dagen inden udløbsdato, som ligger længere ude i fremtiden.

Det er ikke muligt at få refunderet gavekortets beløb, eller et resterende beløb, der eventuelt er efter brug af gavekortet.

Ved køb af gavekort skal du indtaste dine egne kontaktoplysninger som køber. Gavekortet fremsendes på den oplyste mailadresse, så med mindre du ønsker, at modtageren skal informeres om gavekortet via mail, så skal du indtaste dine egne kontaktoplysninger.


Meyers Madhus is located on Nørrebrogade 52C, 2200 Copenhagen N. You will find us in back courtyard (through the unlocked gate).

Parking in Nørrebro can be challenging. If you’re arriving by car, here are some parking options that others have found helpful:

Underground parking at Sankt Hans Torv.

Side streets such as Elmegade, Stengade, Birkegade, and Møllegade.

Please note that parking regulations can vary, and it’s important to check signs and markings on-site to avoid fines.

Alternatively, bus 5C runs from Nørreport Station, and the Elmegade bus stop is close to Nørrebrogade 52C, where we are located.

You can also take the metro to "Nørrebros Runddel", which is  a 10-minute approx. walk from Nørrebrogade 52

To ensure proper planning and ingredient sourcing, course bookings cannot be rescheduled within 30 days of the course date. Additionally, bookings are non-refundable.

You are welcome to transfer your course booking to a lucky friend if you are unable to attend. The participant simply needs to bring the order confirmation on the day of the course.

You only need to bring your good mood and curiosity, along with the ticket/order confirmation you received when booking the course – this must be presented upon arrival.

Sometimes, we have leftover food after the classes, so it’s a good idea to bring a container and a bag in case you can take leftovers home.

Our electronic gift cards is valid for a period of 3 years. You simply need to redeem your gift card for any date before its expiration. This means you have flexibility to plan a course at a later date, even if it falls after the gift card's expiration, as long as the course has been booked and paid before the gift card expires.

Please note, refunds are not available for the gift card amount or any remaining balance after its use.

When purchasing a gift card, you need to enter your own contact information as the buyer. The gift card will be sent to the email address you provide at checkout. If you’d like the recipient to receive the gift card via email, make sure to enter their contact information instead of yours.

A gift card for our cooking classes unfortunately cannot be used for other parts of the Meyers business. Gift cards for Meyers Madhus can only be used for cooking classes at Meyers Madhus. 


    Kala Sung is a Korean New Yorker with a master's degree in food studies from NYU and training from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America. She is not just a skilled cook but a passionate ambassador for Korean cuisine. With her roots in Korea and years of experience in the Danish food scene, she has won the hearts of many food enthusiasts with her unique approach, blending tradition and authentic methods with modern flavor combinations in her recipes.

    Kala's radiant presence lights up any room or class she leads, where she shares the art of preparing kimchi and other Korean dishes in a way that is both accessible and practical to all. Her humor, storytelling, and deep knowledge of the history and practices behind each dish make her an engaging and lively advocate for kimchi and Korean culture.

    Kala has hosted a variety of pop-ups, such as at Hija de Sanchez with kimchi tacos and Gasoline Grill with a legendary kimchi burger, and Kala supplies the kimchi for Hart Bageri's popular kimchi sandwich.

    Kalas Instagram